Jada reached a fork in the road in 2013 when she moved to Saratoga county: she could either continue her demanding work as a Resident Counselor and Youth Worker, or she could take a chance and follow her vision. Her job had been wonderful and rewarding, but stressful.
She wanted to focus on creating a business that helps others relieve stress. As a person who thrives on helping others and working hard, she combined these passions as she started and grew Runner’s Green Services as a local cleaning business.
Over time, Jada outgrew this version of her vision. Feather & Nest was designed in 2020 to expand on the existing cleaning and organizing services to help people evolve their entire lifestyle toward wellness and reduced stress. Feather & Nest is an inclusive space for people to learn how to nourish their homes and their bodies, plus find recommendations for green cleaning products, organizing tools, and lifestyle tips to achieve an overall wholesome life.